Sandbox mode
under review
Patrick Lorenzut
I'd love the ability to create test links, plans, etc. Otherwise the website owner has no way of knowing what the entire payment flow looks like.
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Che Sampat
under review
Che Sampat
Patrick Lorenzut I quite like this feature, I can see the value in companies being able to experience the full payment flow without having to actually process any payments.
Would it then be useful to have access to a demo environment, a separate account that we can create for you that you can test payments on? Of course the process will be automated to no need to contact us to access your sandbox account.
Patrick Lorenzut
Che Sampat: thanks for the response!
I think it'd probably be easier to have the feature be inside the same account... but I'd be okay with either solution.
I think the simplest idea, both for you and for the user, would be to have a "test mode, live mode" toggle inside one's account. If the account is set to "test mode" then all payment links would automatically use the Stripe test api keys. So you wouldn't have to worry about creating separate test payment links. And then the site owner would be able to test with the "4242 4242 4242 4242" card.
Then probably just make sure to have a big bold warning at the top of the page every time you site is in test mode, so you don't accidentally forget to turn it off :)
Thoughts on that approach?
P.S. I love this app! I just set it up on because, even though I'm a developer who has worked with Stripe many times, I've promised myself that I'm going to try the #nocode thing for a while, so I can focus on customer relations rather than getting lost in the rabbit hole of coding like I usually do. And I looked at sooooo many solutions (like Chargebee for example) that were such extreme overkill. This is the first app that kept things as simple as I want them. Props to you!
Javier Arancibia
Che Sampat: Is superpayit still under development? This important feature request dates from 2020!